Dit is een initiatief van onbekend
Challenging Education for Future Leaders
≈12.000 km
40 students
8 universities
7 countries
5,5 months
1 experience
A group of 40 students from different educational and cultural backgrounds are brought
together in one team to cycle from Istanbul to Beijing along the Silk Road to 8 universities. This special tailored
program teaches students about the past, present and future. The program starts with Big
History in Istanbul, continues with International Relations in Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China and finishes with Corporate Social Responsibility in Beijing.
The Study Road starts in March 2013 in Istanbul and ends in August 2013 in Beijing.
Wij doen dit door
Educatie, Internet/ICT, Onderzoek, Ontmoeting
Op het gebied van
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling, Sociale cohesie, Sport, Zelfredzaamheid
Jongeren, Ondernemers, Sporters, Vrijwilligers
Wij denken 200.000 mensen met ons initiatief te bereiken.
China, Iran, Kazachstan, Kirgizië, Turkije, Turkmenistan