The Green Arch

Dit is een initiatief van onbekend

The Green Arch

The idea is to start producing of contruction panels made of polysterene and galvanized wire mesh under the Emmedue Brand. This product by far exceeds any building material in terms of savings during and after construction, and most important reduces green house gasses. The overall benefits are enormouse. In the bsusiness plan we have everything oulined. Our first project with 22 Eco friendly affordable homes equiped with solar energy homes should start in November 2013.   

Wij doen dit door

Bouw en inrichting, Educatie, Proces innovatie, Productie

Op het gebied van

Armoedebestrijding, Energie, Nieuwe economie, Regionale Ontwikkeling


(ex)verslaafden, Gezinnen, Kinderen, Ondernemers


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