RuralWeb - Closing the worldwide ICT Gap

Dit is een initiatief van onbekend

RuralWeb - Closing the worldwide ICT Gap

WHY: Creating a better & smarter world. Benefit fully from opportunities at internet towards self-sustainability. 


  • Open content (so content is made by and for the users – and is free to see and use)
  • Current focus on content-creation:  by and for people in developing countries  à context relevant.
  • Hot to organise content? (choose a platform: wikiversity, ning, sprintr; search function).                         


  • Content  for example in the field of entrepreneurship: inspiring and copy-able entrepreneurs- film them and share them, first-time-online; 1 or 2 other themes (as a start).


  • ·         Activate 1% of the people loving RuralWeb to really do (active on facebook/ruralwebFAQ, make content, get users to Facebook, …
  •  Mobilise users to ask questions and share information. 

Plan to reach users and active-people

  • Facebook users
  • Network
  • Together with and through ICT Centres
  • ‘’Ambassadors’’ such as @ladygeek and @WKwamkwamba (e.g.: how to build a wind will to create electiricity in your village); of an ambassador(s) per theme
  • Learning circles: 15 youngsters learn on 1 theme they find interesting (entrepreneurship; first-time-online, repairing moter cycles etc: and get and create information from/for internet with help of a facilitator.

 (See more  at PR & crowdfunding plan)

Wij doen dit door

Educatie, Internet/ICT, Ontmoeting, Website

Op het gebied van

Internet/ICT, Lokale economie, Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Zelfredzaamheid


Jongeren, Mensen die leven onder de armoedegrens, Ondernemers

Wij denken groeiende groep internetgebruikers: miljoenen mensen met ons initiatief te bereiken.


Ghana, Oeganda

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